Nearly 20% of Americans believe Obama is Moslem according to an August 19, 2010 Pew Research Center report. Nearly 1/3 of those polled do not believe he’s Christian. Of course, rumors like this as well as others such as his “real” place of birth and/or “fake” birth certificate have been flying around the internet since before Obama’s election nearly 2 years ago (and Obama’s well publicized poor decision to support the Mosque near Ground Zero certainly doesn’t help dispelled the rumors either). Part of it too comes from Obama failing to pick church as well as his cozying up with Moslem countries and the cooling of relations with Israel ( So, let me tell you where I am with this.
Obama’s mother, born Stanley Ann Dunham, was an idealistic white woman from the Kansas. Her upbringing was generally considered Christian. Religiously speaking, she didn’t belong to a particular faith. Her parents were non-practicing Baptists and Methodists. Of her personal faith, Obama wrote in his 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope, “Religion for her was "just one of the many ways — and not necessarily the best way — that man attempted to control the unknowable and understand the deeper truths about our lives”. He added that his mother knew many Christians, but there were few fond memories of them. Obama’s step sister, Maya Seotora-Ng said of her mother that she “wasn’t what one would call an atheist, but more of an agnostic”. It was also said by Obama that his mother had a “healthy skepticism of religion as an institution”.
Obama’s father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was born Kanyadhiang, Kenya, although he was raised in the village of Nyang’oma Kogelo, Kenya. His family was of the Luo ethnic group, which is the third largest ethnic group in Kenya. By the way, the majority of the Luo are Christians with only a minority being Moslem. It should be pointed out Obama Sr. was born into a mixed Moslem and Christian family, he was raised Catholic and later converted to Islam before declaring himself an atheist. Thus, his mother came from a Protestant Christian background and became atheist while his father came from a mixed Moslem/Christian background and also chose to become atheist.
Of his own faith, Obama said that this “My father was from Kenya and a lot of people in his village were Muslim. He didn’t practice Islam. Truth is he wasn’t very religious. He met my mother. My mother was a Christian from Kansas, and they married and then divorced. I was raised by my mother. So, I’ve always been a Christian. The only connection I’ve had to Islam is that my grandfather on my father’s side came from that country. But I’ve never practiced Islam” (
So, while some argue that since Islam traces descent from the paternal line, Obama is, therefore, by definition Moslem, I disagree. If a person self identifies with a specific faith; follows their social traditions and practices, then that’s what they are. In Obama’s case, they attended the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago for about 20 years. The church embraces the so-called “Black Value System” and gained some measure of notoriety for the racist, anti-America and anti-Semitic sermons made by Reverend Jeremiah Wright Jr. which were caught on video ( and I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions.
Ground Zero Mosque—The Victory Mosque
Much has been written and said about the “Ground Zero Mosque”. Obama rather nefariously said recently that he supported the mosque and added that he was tired of discussing it as he promptly left for vacation. Public opinion is overwhelming opposed to allowing the mosque to be located so near the site of the cowardly attack on America. While Americans have no objection to the mosque in general, over 63% believe the choice of location is “insensitive” or “inappropriate”. Of course, no one truly expects Obama or any one else in Washington to listen to us. After all, Americans opposed the bailouts; Obamacare; the “Obama Apology Tour” and so much more. Obama and Company went on their merry way and did what they wanted. I suppose with the new “paternalistic” outlook coming out of Washington, they “obviously” know what’s best for us, but that’s fodder for other articles.
My opinion about the Ground Zero Mosque is this---I don’t care if the Moslem community in NYC wants to build a mosque, but I think there choice of location was intentional and insensitive. If they truly wanted to make a statement that Islam is truly a religion of peace and not all Moslems are crazy fanatics (which they aren’t) as they claim, they would have opted for a site less likely to incite so much ill feeling. I think the community would be better served if a historical museum and/or community center were erected there instead. Heck, if it was a museum/community center run by the Moslem community in honor of those murdered, that would make a true statement about Islam. Oh yeah, the mosque won’t be called the “Ground Zero Mosque”. It will be named the “Victory Mosque”. Victory for whom I wonder?
As for Obama, I really don’t care what he wants. He was elected to serve us, not the other way around. If America wants to talk this out, then he needs to join that conversation or stay on vacation. Our so-called “leaders” in Washington need to remember this simply like rule in my opinion---lead; follow; or get the hell out of the way”.
By the way, while we’re on the topic of this particular mosque, did you know that we---you and I---get to pay $16,000.00 in US tax dollars to send the mosque’s imam (spiritual leader) on a trip to the Middle East? Yelp, he’s going on a tour of Qatar, UAE, and Bahrain and it’s going to cost us $16,000.00. Who pays for your minister or rabbi to visit the Holy Land? I bet it isn’t US Taxpayers. Read more about it here:
Book Review
Moslem Women Reformers: Inspiring Voices Against Oppression by Ida Lichter
At first I was a little hesitant to review this book. Sure, I’ve seen numerous news articles about the abuse of women in Moslem counties. Yeah, I knew women in these countries lacked, in many cases, even basic human rights. Who hasn’t seen images of women covered head to toe in black burqas often walking in a group or with male members of their families. Every now and again, I would come across a story about a so-called “honor killing” in which some unfortunate women was bludgeoned to death by her father, uncles, brothers, or even sons for some seemly insignificant offense like talking with a non-family male without permission and in the presence of her family. Surely these stories weren’t accurate I thought. At best, I had always thought these were rare cases. Who treats another person like cattle, not in the 21st Century? Obviously, I was very wrong.
To say Dr. Lichter’s book was eye-opening would a gross understatement. It was riveting; shocking; horrifying; and yet, at the same time, it was inspirational. In short, it was brilliant. The book is ideally broken up by country with stories of different women and how they are engaged (often risking death) in trying to reform a social structure where women are third class citizens at best. We’re talking about physical and often disfiguring abuse; routine rape (one story talks about how domestics are considered the “property” of their employers, who are free to do whatever they wish without fear from any legal recourse) and are bought and sold with no recourse (child brides still remain commonplace), and genital mutilation. To escape this oppressive and abuse system, many women flee to the West. For those who can’t, suicide is often the preferential option
Dr. Lichter profiles women engaged fighting for the right for the basic dignity that people like me mistakenly assumed that everyone enjoyed. Many defy the prohibition of educating women (other than basic religious or domestic instruction) face not just verbal abuse and physical intimidation, but also disfiguring acid attacks. Several of the interviewees have described this extreme version of Islam as the “new fascism”, whose intent to nothing short of imposing Shari’ah Law throughout the world and establishing a global Caliphate (both England and France are currently dealing with this issue. Moslem immigrants at first asked to be exempt from national laws in favor of Shari’ah Law. Now that they are sizable minorities, their “requests” have become demands).
Muslim Women Reformers, which is 402 pages, also contains an excellent resource section in the Appendix along with a glossary to help folks with some of the terms. I want to emphasis that this book is a must for anyone interested in human rights, Islam, or issues dealing with education, health and welfare, spousal abuse, as well as for anyone interested in the growing influence of Islam. This is truly a remarkable book. Thank you Dr. Lichter.
One of America's leading Independent political sources for those who want just the facts free of partisan drama. Another Opinion is a home for the "militant middle" and those who demand to think for themselves!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Federal Judge Issues Injunction on Arizona’s SB1070/ Where Do We Go From Here?
The US Justice Department filed suit against the State of Arizona over SB1070. Now, a US district judge, Susan Bolton, has stripped several key parts of the bill while we wait on the lawsuit to begin. That should have come as no surprise to readers of AO. I’ve been telling you for weeks to expect something like this. Bolton, a Clinton appointee, issued a temporary injunction delaying a provision that would have required immigrants to carry documentation authorizing them to be in this country legally and to seek employment. Also her injunction banned the provision keeping illegal immigrants from seeking employment (aimed primarily as day workers). It also prevents police officers from making arrests of suspected illegals for crimes which could lead to the subsequent deportment without a warrant. So, I guess that helps out the criminal gangs for the time being. Thanks Susan.
The reason for this pre-emptive strike if you will is to weaken the resolve of those who want secure borders (fat chance), and secondly, to allow additional time for the much weaker opposition, those who favor open borders, to gather strength, organized, and attempt to mount a media propaganda blitz. Indeed, the day the bill went into effect, we got an opportunity to see some of the groups who favor would support illegal immigration.
I admit to being impressed by the number of illegals immigrants who openly came out to protest with little or no fear of being arrested or even detained. Back in their home countries, illegals protesting like that would have been likely arrested and sent to one of their infamous federal prisons as “guests of the State”. It serves as a reminded to let you know just how serious this Administration is about illegal immigration.
Speaking at the American University in Washington, DC on July 1, 2010, Obama made it clear that there would be no discussion on illegal immigration enforcement with including amnesty for the estimated 20 million illegal aliens now living here. Of course, once some sort of deal if reached, if there is indeed a deal at some point, you can bet that number will dramatically increase as illegals make a “run for the border” to get in on deal. So why is Obama so adamant on amnesty for the predominately (but by no means exclusively) illegal Hispanic population now living here? Perhaps it’s his magnanimous nature (after all, he is the “messiah” right). Maybe it’s life imitating history, which leads us to our next article.
Where Do We Go From Here?
Obama has often said that the person he most admires from history is Abraham Lincoln. Since Lincoln freed the slaves, perhaps Obama sees his destiny as the second “Great Emancipator” by giving citizenship to the millions of illegals now living here. A modern Moses. Wow, that sure would be an ego trip wouldn’t it? It would definitely cement his legacy in the history books. Of course it wouldn’t hurt that, according to most estimates, the majority, 53%, of Hispanics lean politically to the Left, though only 35% of citizens of Hispanic origin have actually registered as Democrats. Of those, 67% of Hispanics, voted for Obama. Nevertheless, many pollsters believe that the overwhelming majority of illegal aliens would register Democrat. If that should happen, it would add approximately 70,000 more Democrats to the rolls, and that’s just the Hispanics. America’s third largest minority are Asians, whose population is quickly rising and may overtake Blacks as the second most populous group within the next 25 years, are also heavily Democratic.
According to Gallup, approximately 61% of Asians are either registered Democrat or lean Democrat. It that trend continues it would all but cinch the hold by the liberal Left on America. The Republican Party, and indeed conservatives could be all but shut out of political power on the national or even state and local levels. Even with the added support of the Tea Party Movement, it wouldn’t be enough. America would be hurled down the road to unhindered socialism. Sure, the Right could serve as the obligatory opposition voice (and may even win the periodic token victory), but our course as nation would be all but cast in stone.
But there is a potential bright spot for the Republican Party and conservative movement, but I have to warn you, it’s a lot like that medicine your mom gave you when you were a child and didn’t feel very good. It tasted like crap, but eventually you felt better (or at least you pretended you did so she’d stop forcing that nasty stuff down your throat…blaah). So, if you’re a Republican or Conservative, hold your nose and take a deep breath; here we go.
America is changing demographically and there’s nothing you can do about it. You either adapt and or you die. It happened to the dinosaurs. It happened to the Whigs, and it will happen to you. America is conservative, not as conservative as you think. Let’s take the issue of Hispanics and Asians mentioned above as an example. 61% of Asians are Democrat or Left leaning. Only 24% are registered or lean Republican/Conservative. 83% of Blacks are Democrats or lean Left. Breaking it down further, however, reveals another story.
Despite voter registration, Asians 46% of Asians are moderates, while 31% are liberal and the remaining 21% are conservative. Among Hispanics, we have a similar picture. 38% are moderates while 34% are conservative and 23% are liberal. Contrary to their registration, Blacks are only 24% liberal, with 29% calling themselves conservative and a whopping 43% moderate.
In terms of religion, Asians are the least most religious group with Blacks being the most. 54% of Asians said religion was important compared to 70% among Hispanics and 80% among Blacks (63% of Whites said religion was important). The vast majority of Hispanics, approximately 63%, belong to the more conservative Catholic Church, which obviously causes concern for the increasingly socialistic Democratic Party. Nevertheless, the Catholic Church, along with the majority of Protestant Churches (especially, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, and Baptist)are declining at an alarming rate, while Americans who identify themselves as not affiliated has dramatically increased (Wicca is now the fastest growing religion in America).
So, what’s all this mean to the conservative movement in general and the Republican Party specifically? Just this, and that’s most Americans aren’t particularly fans of either party. Americans are largely independent thinking and mostly moderate, albeit slightly right leaning. Americans have no patience with racial or religious intolerance or having someone else’s beliefs crammed down our throats. We values equality, fairness, and accountability—both for government and for corporate America. Americans are ok with diversity. Social issues like gay marriage, birth control or making abortions illegal across the board aren’t going to fly with most Americans who are more interested making their mortgage payment or paying their utility bills. We are a nation of immigrants, but we want our laws and borders respected. There are thousands waiting to come to America, but they’re following the law. Why should others be allowed to jump ahead of the line? America is a melting pot. We want newcomers to adapt to our culture and language, not the other way around. We overwhelmingly believe in God, but we don’t want someone telling us what god to believe in or how we have to worship that god.
Many of the moderates who would have appealed to a huge segment of these emerging demographics have been forced from the GOP by the single issue ultra conservatives and Religious Right. If the Republican Party recreates a moderate wing reflective of Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Nixon, or even George H Bush, by focusing on issues of concern to the average American like taxes, governmental and corporate accountability, it can reclaim its place as the party of the middle class and answer the challenge of the Democratic Party and rise in independents. If not, the only Republicans your grandchildren may ever see may be in a museum.
For more information regarding the statistics quoted above, please check out these sites:
The reason for this pre-emptive strike if you will is to weaken the resolve of those who want secure borders (fat chance), and secondly, to allow additional time for the much weaker opposition, those who favor open borders, to gather strength, organized, and attempt to mount a media propaganda blitz. Indeed, the day the bill went into effect, we got an opportunity to see some of the groups who favor would support illegal immigration.
I admit to being impressed by the number of illegals immigrants who openly came out to protest with little or no fear of being arrested or even detained. Back in their home countries, illegals protesting like that would have been likely arrested and sent to one of their infamous federal prisons as “guests of the State”. It serves as a reminded to let you know just how serious this Administration is about illegal immigration.
Speaking at the American University in Washington, DC on July 1, 2010, Obama made it clear that there would be no discussion on illegal immigration enforcement with including amnesty for the estimated 20 million illegal aliens now living here. Of course, once some sort of deal if reached, if there is indeed a deal at some point, you can bet that number will dramatically increase as illegals make a “run for the border” to get in on deal. So why is Obama so adamant on amnesty for the predominately (but by no means exclusively) illegal Hispanic population now living here? Perhaps it’s his magnanimous nature (after all, he is the “messiah” right). Maybe it’s life imitating history, which leads us to our next article.
Where Do We Go From Here?
Obama has often said that the person he most admires from history is Abraham Lincoln. Since Lincoln freed the slaves, perhaps Obama sees his destiny as the second “Great Emancipator” by giving citizenship to the millions of illegals now living here. A modern Moses. Wow, that sure would be an ego trip wouldn’t it? It would definitely cement his legacy in the history books. Of course it wouldn’t hurt that, according to most estimates, the majority, 53%, of Hispanics lean politically to the Left, though only 35% of citizens of Hispanic origin have actually registered as Democrats. Of those, 67% of Hispanics, voted for Obama. Nevertheless, many pollsters believe that the overwhelming majority of illegal aliens would register Democrat. If that should happen, it would add approximately 70,000 more Democrats to the rolls, and that’s just the Hispanics. America’s third largest minority are Asians, whose population is quickly rising and may overtake Blacks as the second most populous group within the next 25 years, are also heavily Democratic.
According to Gallup, approximately 61% of Asians are either registered Democrat or lean Democrat. It that trend continues it would all but cinch the hold by the liberal Left on America. The Republican Party, and indeed conservatives could be all but shut out of political power on the national or even state and local levels. Even with the added support of the Tea Party Movement, it wouldn’t be enough. America would be hurled down the road to unhindered socialism. Sure, the Right could serve as the obligatory opposition voice (and may even win the periodic token victory), but our course as nation would be all but cast in stone.
But there is a potential bright spot for the Republican Party and conservative movement, but I have to warn you, it’s a lot like that medicine your mom gave you when you were a child and didn’t feel very good. It tasted like crap, but eventually you felt better (or at least you pretended you did so she’d stop forcing that nasty stuff down your throat…blaah). So, if you’re a Republican or Conservative, hold your nose and take a deep breath; here we go.
America is changing demographically and there’s nothing you can do about it. You either adapt and or you die. It happened to the dinosaurs. It happened to the Whigs, and it will happen to you. America is conservative, not as conservative as you think. Let’s take the issue of Hispanics and Asians mentioned above as an example. 61% of Asians are Democrat or Left leaning. Only 24% are registered or lean Republican/Conservative. 83% of Blacks are Democrats or lean Left. Breaking it down further, however, reveals another story.
Despite voter registration, Asians 46% of Asians are moderates, while 31% are liberal and the remaining 21% are conservative. Among Hispanics, we have a similar picture. 38% are moderates while 34% are conservative and 23% are liberal. Contrary to their registration, Blacks are only 24% liberal, with 29% calling themselves conservative and a whopping 43% moderate.
In terms of religion, Asians are the least most religious group with Blacks being the most. 54% of Asians said religion was important compared to 70% among Hispanics and 80% among Blacks (63% of Whites said religion was important). The vast majority of Hispanics, approximately 63%, belong to the more conservative Catholic Church, which obviously causes concern for the increasingly socialistic Democratic Party. Nevertheless, the Catholic Church, along with the majority of Protestant Churches (especially, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, and Baptist)are declining at an alarming rate, while Americans who identify themselves as not affiliated has dramatically increased (Wicca is now the fastest growing religion in America).
So, what’s all this mean to the conservative movement in general and the Republican Party specifically? Just this, and that’s most Americans aren’t particularly fans of either party. Americans are largely independent thinking and mostly moderate, albeit slightly right leaning. Americans have no patience with racial or religious intolerance or having someone else’s beliefs crammed down our throats. We values equality, fairness, and accountability—both for government and for corporate America. Americans are ok with diversity. Social issues like gay marriage, birth control or making abortions illegal across the board aren’t going to fly with most Americans who are more interested making their mortgage payment or paying their utility bills. We are a nation of immigrants, but we want our laws and borders respected. There are thousands waiting to come to America, but they’re following the law. Why should others be allowed to jump ahead of the line? America is a melting pot. We want newcomers to adapt to our culture and language, not the other way around. We overwhelmingly believe in God, but we don’t want someone telling us what god to believe in or how we have to worship that god.
Many of the moderates who would have appealed to a huge segment of these emerging demographics have been forced from the GOP by the single issue ultra conservatives and Religious Right. If the Republican Party recreates a moderate wing reflective of Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Nixon, or even George H Bush, by focusing on issues of concern to the average American like taxes, governmental and corporate accountability, it can reclaim its place as the party of the middle class and answer the challenge of the Democratic Party and rise in independents. If not, the only Republicans your grandchildren may ever see may be in a museum.
For more information regarding the statistics quoted above, please check out these sites:
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